About The Promovendus

Benoît Viguier is a PhD student at the Digital Security group and the Department of Software Science of the Radboud University in Nijmegen, working on tools for formally verifying cryptographic software under the supervision of Peter Schwabe, Freek Wiedijk, Joan Daemen and Herman Geuvers. Before that, he was an engineering student at the INSA Rennes (National Institute of Applied Science, France) and master student in Research in Computer Science (MRI).

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In this thesis we cover a large part of the classical cryptography world: we examine the design of new symmetric primitive; we explore implementation strategies of lightweight schemes; we analyze a new high performance algorithm; we use formal verification to prove the correctness of Elliptic Curve Cryptography implementations; and finally we describe one of the way algorithms are standardized.

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Aula Radboud Universiteit

  • Comeniuslaan 2, 6525 HP
    Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
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